Python quirks

Structural Pattern Matching In Python

Once upon a time, Guido van Rossum, the Python creator, decided to reject a simple feature (PEP 3103): Switch case The reason for rejecting this PEP is: A quick poll during my keynote presentation at PyCon 2007 shows this proposal has no popular support. I therefore reject it.~ Guido van Rossum Lots of software developers… Continue reading Structural Pattern Matching In Python

Python quirks

Python Strings Prefixes

Strings are easy. kind of. Sometimes though, you can find one character right before the left apostrophe (or quotation mark). In this article, I'll explain the difference between the prefixes you can write there. There are four possible literals: u - unicodeb - byter - rawf - formatting Literals comparison Regular string string = 'Hello… Continue reading Python Strings Prefixes